Format | Description | Data file |
GFF | General feature format which has genes and other features associated with DNA, RNA and protein sequences | .gff |
BED | Chromosome information such as chromosome, chromosome start and end positions | .bed |
GTF | Gene transfer format is a refinement to GFF which has genes and other features associated with DNA, RNA and protein sequences | .gtf |
FASTA | Nucleotide sequence | .fa |
VCF | Variant call format which has variation data for single nucleotide variants | .vcf |
BAM | BAM is the compressed binary version of SAM format represents nucleotide sequence alignments | .bam |
ANG Genome Browser provides the efficient way to visualize genomic data. In addition to that, it is easy to navigate quickly and efficiently.
After loading gtf file, if a user takes a cursor on any strand, it gives information about that strand. It shows ID, start & stop codon positions. The arrows on the strand tells you about the orientation of the strands. The arrow -> is the forward strand & arrow <- is the reverse strand. If a user clicks on any strand, it gives transcript details such as transcript ID, chromosome, strand, total number of exons & CDS. It also shows nucleotide sequence as well as its translated protein sequence. There is an option for selection of genetic code.
The BED file has 7 fields, which give the information about chrom, ExonStart and ExonEnd or CDSStart and CDSEnd,type Exon or CDS, strand, id and description. Example of .bed file format
After loading bed track, CDS are shown in golden color and exons present in CDS are shown in green color. The arrow indicates the type of strand i.e. forward or reverse. The arrow -> indicates forward strand and <- indicates reverse strand.