India's First Genome Browser

The ANG genome browser is a visualization tool, developed by ArrayGen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. This is a fast and an efficient genome browser, built with Javafx and Java swing. ANG Genome Browser was built for latest next generation sequencing data analysis. It is platform independent and much simpler to use.


Features of Gene Expression Arrays

The main features are, it supports many standard file formats such as GFF, BED, GTF, FASTA, VCF, BAM and it can be integrated with other browsers or tools for analysis of genome

  • Explore your genome with ANG Genome Browser
  • Standalone Genome Browser
  • It has scrolling and zooming & runs smoothly even with lower memory
  • Relatively simple to operate & loads larger files easily
  • It can be integrated with other browser or tools for analysis of genome
  • It supports many standard file formats such as GFF , BED, GTF, FASTA, VCF, BAM
  • It has ability to display data directly from BAM and VCF file, no preprocessing is necessary
  • VCF table can be displayed and with each position variation can be displayed with other tracks
  • Comparative results from multiple VCF files

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Download and Try ArrayGen Genome Browser

Download and Try ArrayGen Genome Browser